Sunday, December 23, 2012

December in the Nebraska Omaha Mission

BYU Women's Volleyball team comes to Omaha for a game. They are such amazing and beautiful women.
 Enjoying Zone Conference.
 Everyone singing "Away in a Manger"
 Having been fed by the Spirit of the Lord to help us change our hearts to feel more charity - and having been fed a delicious meal by a Relief Society group, and having so much more to enjoy - we then settled in for picture taking. 
Such wonderful missionaries! Love them!

 Does it look like we're snowed in? Well, we were till about noon the next day.
 These enduring and endearing pioneers had to trudge through snow once again.
 Looks like an enchanted wonderland!
 Can you see the Winterquarters Temple through the snowy branches?
 Adorable sister missionaries with a pure testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ. They love to share the truths of God's plan of happiness for all His children. 
 More beautiful sister missionaries who have personal understanding of the Atonement - the plan by which we can repent and let go of our sins and give our will to the Lord. They can't help but share their joy in the gospel as they are filled with the Love of the Lord for each other and for everyone who comes in to the Mormon Trail Center as well as strangers they meet. 

 This sweet sister is angelic.
 This is Sis. B. She loves the Savior and loves to share her thankfulness for her blessings. She is best known for reminding others that they need to listen to the thoughts that help them feel happy and ignore the thoughts that cause them to feel discouraged. 
 Berries at the Kanesville Tabernacle.

It's wonderful to be missionaries and wonderful to have a warm, comfortable place to find shelter from the storm. (the gospel of Jesus Christ is the warm, comfortable place to find shelter from the "storms of life").

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November in the Nebraska Omaha Mission

Our great Mission President Weston and his dear wife and talented son! (He can play "Look for the Bare Necessities" on the piano)Darling sisters. Missing Sis. Robertson!

Diligent missionaries!

Thanksgiving Day brings 2 new sisters on the far right. 

So dear to our hearts!

Adorable family from Bellevue 2nd Ward.

Goodbye Sis. Atkin. We love you and Sis. Jones!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Missionaries of Omaha/Papillion Zone

This is about a third of the missionaries in the NOM mission, with many more scheduled to come soon. What a wonderful force for righteousness  - all on the Lord's side!

We see this beautiful symbol of sacrifice of those who are dedicated to compassion, cooperation and charity every time we go into the memorial room at the Mormon Trail Center.
-The Winterquarters Temple - 

Friday, October 19, 2012

October Season for the NOM

 In the past few days the winds have blown off most of the gorgeous autumn leaves, leaving a wintery looking  landscape.

 We accidentally discovered this pioneer historical plaque on one of our exploring the area days.
Sisters gather together with Sis. Watson and Sis. Weston before they begin departing at the end of their mission.
 The Senior Elders have a very important service at the trail center.
 Saying goodbye to precious Sister Brown.We will miss her so much!
 The sister artists have been at work.
Fun outing with these 3 darling sisters. Love them.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Valla's Pumpkin Patch

Delightful day at the pumpkin patch with the senior missionaries and also the young sister missionaries!
A great time to be together on a beautiful fall day.
My grandchildren would love this! This is a family fun place where there is so much for free.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Walking Bridge in Omaha

The weather finally cooled down so we could plan a little tourist trip to the "Walking Bridge" over the Missouri in Omaha. It connects Iowa to Nebraska. It was fun as we met up with another missionary couple who had their grandchildren visiting. It was great fun to experience this through the eyes of 3 very active little boys and their tiny little toddler sister. Wish we had more photos.
Love this typical view of the Missouri River with sunflowers growing along the side.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Quilt Show at the Mormon Trail Center

Missionaries serving at the Quilt Show - an annual event exhibiting quilts that are even 100 years old.
The first photo is a quilt designed by Sister Wright (pictured in the green sweater) and created by her and the young sister missionaries. Sweet, supportive Elder Wright is standing in the back and our loved Sis. Weston is also pictured on the 2nd row. A few of the precious young sister missionaries are also pictured. What a beautiful and sweet spirit of dedication and love is felt at this visitors center.

The following photos are a sample of this quilters heaven - quilts from all over Nebraska as well as other states. Some displayed are 100 years old.